
  • My Love/Hate Relationship

    This is me.

    This is my I-phone.

    (well, this is a phone that looks a lot like my phone.  I have found that it is nearly impossible to take a picture of your phone WITH your phone!  Ha, ha!)

    I have a love/hate relationship with my I-phone.

    Historically, it has mostly been a love relationship.

    Love the apps.  Love the voice to text feature. Love the internet access. Love how easy it is to use. Love playing Words with Friends. Love being accessible to my friends.

    But recently I have been feeling like my phone is running my life.

    Somewhere along the way, it seems like the power has shifted and now my phone controls me, not the other way around.

    For instance, last Friday when I let Derrick play hooky from school and we went on our date, I told him that I will try not to be on my phone while we are together.

    Next thing I know, I am texting a friend to let her know why I can’t return her call.

    Then a friend texted me to ask if we could do coffee on short notice.  Well, I didn’t think it would be polite to wait to respond to that text. If it was me, I would want to know how to plan.

    Later on, a friend that I text with regularly sent me a message.  Since I usually respond pretty quickly, I didn’t want her to start wondering why I didn’t write back more quickly.

    Then another friend texted me to confirm dinner plans for the evening and decide where we were going to go.  That meant I needed to text Jeremy.  And on it went.

    And soon Derrick was saying, in an accusing tone, “Mom! I thought you said you weren’t going to be on your phone!!”

    I explained to him that I had to get back to some people, but still…

    I DO love staying in touch with my friends. I love the ease of texting.  And I have to say, I appreciate when friends are quick to respond and you don’t have to wait for hours to get a reply.

    But in an effort to unclutter my mind and feel more peaceful, I am wondering if I need to set up some boundaries for me and my I-phone.

    I don’t know where to start. Or even if I want to.  When I think of only checking my phone on the hour, it makes me feel kind of panicky. 

    Maybe I could check it when it alerts me to a text or a reminder, but if it isn’t urgent, I could wait to respond until later.

    I don’t know.  It is just something I have been thinking about.

    What is your relationship like with your phone?  Do you love your phone?  Do you hate it?  Do you feel like it important to be accessible to others?  Does the constant checking of your phone, responding to texts, checking your e-mail and playing games make your mind feel cluttered and distracted?  Or is it just part of life?

  • {Weekly Bits and Pieces}

    It is after 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon.

    I haven’t figured out yet what I am making for dinner, other than buying some focaccia bread randomly a few hours ago.

    I have bookwork to do and the kids will be home in less than an hour.

    But sometimes, when you feel like writing, you just have to take the time to do it.  It feeds the soul!

    Inspired by my friend Rachel, I thought I would do a “Miscellaneous Monday” post.

    I am hoping that she subscribes to the philosophy that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Otherwise, she might be annoyed at my blantant copying of her idea. 

    I did think it would be a bit over the top to call title my post “Miscellaneous Monday”, hence the name you see for this blog post!


    This morning I went for coffee with a good friend. I ordered a decaf mocha (it was too bitter for my liking) and sat and chatted with her for about an hour. 

    In the midst of our discussion, she told me how much she likes my blog.  I didn’t even know she read my blog. She went on to say some nice and encouraging things about my writing and I somewhat sheepishly admitted that I do have a dream to one day write a book.  She said “Well, maybe when the kids are older you will be able to take some time off and do that.”  I’ve thought the same thing.  But I also wonder if that is just excuse for me not to get started now.


    Have you ever noticed how certain phrases really become popular in the on-line world and pretty soon everybody (including me) is using them?  Even if they wouldn’t use them in real life?  It is actually kind of annoying and I am bothered by the fact that I participate.

    For instance:

    “hand raised”

    “excited squeals” and it’s more active but quieter cousin “happy dance”

    “love, love, love __________”

    “hugs” and, I think you might get extra points if you use a “z” at the end instead of an “s”

    “if I lived closer I would totally…”  (Really?  Are you SURE you would?)

    “melt me”


    “I totally heart that”

    Please choose not to be offended if your favorite line is included in these!


    Our basement is where I send the kids when they get too rowdy.  It is where they can leave things a mess and don’t have to clean up.  Unless someone is coming over.

    The other week we were having company and I had the kids clean up the basement. Just in case. As our guests were about to leave for the evening Nikki said, loudly, and in front of them — “Why did we have to clean up the basement?? They didn’t even go DOWN there!!!” 

    Thanks for that, Nicole Danielle.  Thankfully, our friends have a good sense of humor and got a big kick out of it.

    Anyway, most of the time our basement looks like a Toy’s R Us and a Bed, Bath and Beyond mated and then had about 100 children and abandoned them to fend for themselves in our basement.

    I could have taken more pictures, but you get the idea.  I think I have sufficiently proved my point!


    This morning at the coffee shop I bought a dollar’s worth of these little bits of awesomeness.

    Dark chocolate covered sea salt caramels.

    Seriously. So good!

    I would totally share them with you if you “lived closer”.

    Like in my own house.

    Maybe.  Or maybe not.

    At least that sounded generous.


    Lately I have been experiencing an irrational fear when I am lying in the tanning bed.

    I have been tanning once a week for years.

    But recently I have been afraid that I am going to be lying there and the bulbs are going to inexplicable burst and cut my body a 1,000 different places.

    I picture a huge slice of glass cutting my throat and as I lie there naked and bleeding to death, no one will know.  Because the timer still says “7 minutes” to go.

    I’m not sure how to get this idea out of my head.

    I am also not sure if this ever happens, but I am afraid to Google it for fear it DOES happen and then I will have some proof that my fear actually could happen.

    And then I might have to quit tanning.

    And I am SO not ready for that.

    There. You can feel better about yourself now.  I really AM the crazy one.


    Nikki’s latest drawing for me, which was presented to me yesterday.  It is “her blowing bubbles in the summertime.”  I love it.  She still draws people like that and I really don’t want to tell her to stop. I know she’ll figure it out soon enough.


    I don’t know if anyone remembers me talking about how my Mom has written my grandmother a letter every.single.week of the year for 23 years now! (Ever since we moved to WI from PA)

    And how we all thought that my Grandma had throws some of the letter away. Because she said she had.

    I so mourned the loss of those letters because I was planning get them back from my Grandma and read through them. They are such a snapshot of our lives!! I’m not even usually that sentimental, but about this, I was.

    Anyway, last summer my Mom was cleaning my Grandma’s garage and she found a whole sack of the letters. Apparently, my Grandma was going to burn them and never quite got around to getting them out to the burn pile.

    I was estactic.  In January, Mom and Dad were in Pennsylvania and Mom brought back this whole box of letters.  There must be over a thousand of them.  I started reading some yesterday and brought another stack home with me to read when I get a chance!

    So fun!   

    Among other things, I learned that milk was $2.09 (at the cheapest) in the winter of 1989.  Fascinating, not?


    On Saturday the kids and I worked on their Valentine’s.  I know I am early, but I was freaking out about when we would get them done.  Between Kendall’s birthday party and Jeremy and I going away for the weekend, I knew Valentine’s was totally going to sneak up on me.

    And since I really enjoy doing that kind of thing with them, we decided to get it done early.

    This is for Derrick’s classmates.



    We got most of them done and now I can breathe easier about that. Because buying storebought ones the day before wasn’t going to work for me.  For some things, I would totally do that.

    But I think I get into making Valentine’s more than the kids do.

    (All ideas courtesy of Pinterest.  Like, duh.)


    Saturday evening Jeremy and the kids were all sitting around watching “America’s Funniest Home Videos” while I was spending some time alone in the other room. (Read:  long day at home and Mom said to Dad “I need some time by myself!”

    It was so cool to hear them laughing together.

    Finally, I came out and took a picture. 

    This picture makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


    That was also the same night that I made the family some peach milkshakes. 

    And when one got spilled on the table, this is what happened next.

    I am not sure who raised these boys to be this unmannerly, but I am NOT taking responsibility for this behavior!


    This is the door to Nikki’s room. 


    A list of who may come in.

    A picture of her aunt and uncle.

    A Sponge Bob sticker.

    A February calendar.

    And a ground-hog puppet.

    Did I mention that the door to her room is right off of our dining room?

    So yes, she adds a touch of “class” to my dining room decor.


    Since this seems to be the post of inspiration by others, I will also mention my friend Amber. 

    She writes a wonderful blog and back in November she wrote a post about how she let the kids skip school one day.  You can read it here.  Very interesting.

    She inspired me to do something with my children that I have never done before.  I decided that I would, through out the rest of the school year, pick one day where I would let each of them (individually) play hooky from school and they would just have a fun day with Mom.

    Totally centered about them.

    I decided Derrick would be first because he is most likely to keep a secret so that I am able to surprise the other children in the same way later in the year.

    I communicate with his teacher beforehand, and then at 9 o’clock on Friday I showed up at his school and had him called up to the front office.

    Just the look on his face was totally worth it!!

    Once we got in the van, I explained that, yes, he was skipping school for the rest of the day and he and I were just going to hang out!

    He was so happy.  Except that he did inform me that they had gym that day, which is his all time fav!

    But, he hastened to add “This is more fun!”

    This is apparently the face that Derrick now makes when he knows I am taking a picture.

    Let me just tell you. He looks much more handsome when he is NOT making this particular face.

    But I guess this will have to do until he figures that out.

    We went bowling.  He almost beat me.  But not quite. Just for the record, I am not one of those Mom’s who feels sorry for her kid and lets them win.  They aren’t the only ones who want to win!!

    Plus, it teaches them something valuable.

    Like how to keep Mama happy. (Just kidding about that part! Ha, ha!)

    Lunch was at Applebees.

    This is Derrick famous line whenever I ask where he wants to go to eat

    “Just give me any restaurant that serves a cheeseburger and I will be fine!”

    So a bacon cheddar cheeseburger it was.


    And I will leave you with this parting shot.

    Kendall can do things with his body that should be earning him some kind of awards. Somewhere.

    He was seriously just laying on the floor like this.

    Relaxing.  (He did add the “thumbs up” when he knew I was taking a picture.)

    If I tried this, I would probably be crying. 

    He can also use his foot as a pretend telephone and scratch his head with his foot. 

    That boy is “bendy!” 

    Be impressed. Be very impressed!


    Happy Monday to you! 

    Monday is always my worst day of the week.  Now that it is almost over, the rest is all downhill!



  • RWOTD {Whispered}

    This is something I have come to realize:

    If you don’t hear what is whispered to you, eventually you won’t hear a shout either. The ears of your soul become deaf from lack of use.

    I am so glad that I serve a God who {most often} uses whispered thoughts as a way to communicate with me.  I am glad that He doesn’t demand or force His way in my life or yell at me.  Because I don’t think that is what love looks like.

    This is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately…the whispers of God’s wisdom.

    He gives us our intuition and Godly wisdom {not OUR wisdom…note the difference} for a reason. 

    I have too often ignored God’s whispered warnings and ended up regretting it.  He loves me enough to care about the trouble I may be walking towards or the situation that may end badly if I don’t pay attention to my intuition.

    But when I let seemingly “obvious facts” override God-given wisdom…the results are usually not good.

    I think that part of the reason we ignore whispers is because we are too busy cruising through life on auto-pilot to really pay attention to the small stirrings in our hearts and souls. 

    When we actually slow down and take the time to listen to what our heart is telling us, it can be quite enlightening. Maybe even a little scary in some ways, which may be the reason we don’t “go there” more often.

    Having the confidence and trust in God that leads to a confidence within ourselves as we face the myraid of situations that life throws at us is priceless.  And not to be tossed aside as if it is lacking value.

    Pinned Image

    Due to a number of circumstances in my life, I have recently went through a period of time where I had a lot of doubt in my own ability to hear God’s voice.  It feels quite unsettling to second guess everything, to not be sure of yourself and to just pile guilt on yourself for things that maybe aren’t even your issue.

    God has shown me, in a most kind and loving and uplifting way, that I am able to trust myself. To not get too caught up in other people’s opinions. To trust my instincts. To state my needs with clarity.  To hear His whispers. 

    And then to CHOOSE to rest in that.

  • Watching TV = Quality Time ??

    Sunday was just one of those days.

    It started out great and all, but by mid afternoon when the husband was taking a nap and the kids were grouchy from getting to bed too late the night before, things had taken a downhill turn.

    Jeremy had plans to be gone all evening and I was home with the kiddos.

    Do you ever have those days when you are just fairly sick of your kids?  Your patience is just wearing quite thin? You feel the beginnings of a small nervous breakdown?

    Like, what you really want is an empty house and a bubble bath and a glass of wine.  Not three kids who are bouncing off the walls and bugging each other and asking if they “couldn’t just have another snack.”

    You can try to change your attitude.  You can pray.  You can give a shot at playing games with them or reading to them, both of which may not end well.

    (Picture this:  poor sports when they didn’t win the game and Mom eventually saying “I’m not playing with you guys if you can’t act decent” and fighting over who gets to hold the book, etc.)

    Or, you can say…to heck with it…and turn on the TV and make some popcorn.

    And all will be well.   Sanity will reign.

    I have long felt like TV is a poor substitute for, well, pretty much anything.

    Whether we are talking adults or children, TV watching is not high on my list of things that people should be spending their time doing.

    Not to say I haven’t used the TV as a babysitter at times throughout the years. Especially when my kids were little and I had bookwork I needed to get done! But I have always felt guilty about it. 

    I know it is not completely consistant because I would rather be working on something and the children playing something (separately) than having all of us sitting down and watching TV together.

    To me…TV watching together does not equal quality time.  I know lots of people who do look at it that way. The whole family sitting down.  Spending time together. 

    But in my mind, there is virtually no interacting happening.  Really, you’re spending quality time with the TV and people happen to be sitting beside you. 

    Even with Jeremy and I…we watch a show together because we want to see it…not because it brings some sort of connection to us.

    Somehow, I feel like a wimp when I take the easy route of “Hey, you guys wanna watch TV with me” instead of doing something more interactive with the kids.

    But maybe, instead of being a wimp, I’m just stupid. 

    Either way, Sunday night was one of those times that I felt the occassion called for it.

    So I made a huge batch of popcorn and we sat around watching “Penguins of Madagascar” and shoving handfuls of popcorn into our mouths.

    Like I told Jeremy later, “I figured that option would be the best for the kids and for me.” 

    Sometimes, being a Mom is about knowing when you’ve had enough and making choices accordingly.

    And I like to think that’s OK.

  • RWOTD {Lesson}

    A Lesson Never Forgotten

    Once upon a time, back before the days of cell phones and texting, there lived a teenage girl.

    Now, this teenage girl had a tendency to like boys.  Quite a lot.

    In fact, sometimes, spending time with boys was preferable to spending time with girls. 

    There was, as is often the case, a certain boy that this girl had a small(ish) crush on.  He was a few years older and quite handsome and the girl wondered if he even noticed her. 

    But, sometimes they would hang out and talk and the girl would enjoy that very much.

    One night, a group of friends, including this boy and girl, went to a local fast food restaurant and hung out for a while, chatting and having a good time.

    Lo and behold, ten o’clock rolled around and the only people who remained, standing there talking in the parking lot, were this boy and this girl.

    It was a cool evening, so the boy suggested they hop into his truck to chat.  This seemed like a good sign to the girl, so she agreed.

    (Maybe you think you know where this is going, but you don’t.  Believe me.)


    That sat and chatted in the warmth of the truck cab for what seemed like a half hour, but in reality, the time was getting later and later and no one really saw any reason to leave a great conversation.

    It may or may not have been around one in the morning, when, in the midst of a great discussion, the girl noticed a vehicle pulling up beside the truck she was sitting in.

    Not thinking much of it at first glance, she soon realized, to her horror, that the vehicle that had pulled up belonged to her Dad.  And that now he was at her passenger’s side window, requesting an audience with the teenage girl.

    It seems as though the Dad had been waiting up for his teenage daughter to come home.  As the time got later and later and he couldn’t sleep, he decided to get in his car and take a little drive.

    It wasn’t hard to find her, since she was still in the parking lot of the restaurant where he knew she had been earlier.

    But, oh how the girl was mortally embarrassed!! To be tracked down by your Dad and told to “Get home immediately” while in the presence of a boy whom she liked very much.  Now that was humiliating.

    Although I can tell you this.  It was a lesson she never forgot.  And she never stayed out in trucks with boys past mid-night again. 

    At least not without first letting her Dad know where she was.


    **Names have been changed to protect privacy.  Although some sisters or sister-in-laws of “the boy” may read my blog and put two and two together! 

  • Mama, Mama, Morning Drama…

    (You have to read the title like you would the title of that kid’s book:  Llama, Llama, Holiday Drama.)

    Those simple pleasures in life…like finding a quarter in the washing machine or making an awesome salad for lunch or getting to sit down and read for a long awaited 30 minutes…they make our world’s go ’round.

    It is the little things that make up the days and keep us feeling excited about life!

    But sometimes…our expectations come crashing down around us.  And one of our little moments in stolen away from us.  Just.like.that.

    One of my best friends recently “accused” me of being dramatic.  This was a very hard pill for me to swallow, and, as a matter of fact, that particular pill may still be stuck in my throat.

    Me?  Dramatic?  Intense. Maybe.  Strong-willed. Sure.  Opionated.  I guess so.  But dramatic?  I’m not exactly liking the connotations that brings up in my mind.

    So, let me share this little story with you and I guess I will leave it up to you to decide whether I am dramatic or not. 

    I need to back-track a few days to Monday afternoon.  I decided to bake something different than my normal “brownies-from-a-box-with-boughten-frosting-and-sprinkles-on-top” for our Bible study gathering on Tuesday night.

    I had a carefully formulated and well thought out plan.  You see, there are these brownies/bars that I make that are my absolute favorite!!  They have a really long title, something like “Delicious Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bars.”

    And since I have discovered them about a year ago, I have made them many, many times and I think I can pretty much recite the recipe from heart.

    1 cup of butter

    1 cup of brown sugar

    1 cup of white sugar

    1 T. vanilla

    (Mix all of these together)

    Add 1  1/4 cup peanut butter

    Mix in 2 eggs.


    2 cups of flour

    2 cups of oatmeal

    1 tsp baking soda

    Then put in 1 bag of semi sweet chocolate chips.

    Pour batter into a greased 9 X 13 pan and

    Bake for about 25 minutes at 350 or until the edges are slightly golden brown.

    (Yes, I just wrote that all down from memory, but now I will double check in case I made any mistakes. Nope. I got it right!)

    These are the BEST bars.  They are chewy and kind of “heavy” but oh.so.yummy!  And they go PERFECTLY with my morning coffee.

    My carefully formulated and well thought out plan was this:  I could make the bars for Bible study.  They probably wouldn’t all get eaten.  I would have left-overs, but not have the whole pan there for me to eat too much of, you know. 

    It worked out great! I took them to Bible study Tuesday night. About 3/4 of them got eaten. I brought the rest home.  I had one with my coffee yesterday morning. 

    There were 2 left in the pan, I noted.  Yay! 

    I got up this morning, got dressed and padded out to the kitchen to get my morning coffee going and to check up on the bars.

    There was the pan. Right where I had left it.

    But when I took a closer look to confirm that, yes, there was still at least one bar left (in case Jeremy had eaten one this morning), I literally gasped out loud.  BOTH bars were gone. The pan was empty except for a few measly crumbs scattered about!

    What???!!  How could this be?  I was SO looking forward to a “Delicious Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bar” with my morning coffee!

    I went through the first four stages of grief in about 30 seconds.

    First, denial.  This can’t be! Check the pan again. Yes. It is still empty. 

    Secondly, anger.  How could Jeremy do this to me?  Doesn’t he know how much I love those bars?  And to take TWO of them!!  I texted him in regards to my disappointment and sadness.

    Third, bargaining.  Could I possibly make a pan of bars, bake them immediately, and still have one ready in time for my morning coffee?  Probably not gonna happen with the time I have available.

    Fourthly, depression.   How did my morning just get ruined like this?  Will my day even be worthwhile?  Should I just crawl back into bed?  Is life really worth living with no brownie with my coffee?

    And finally…acceptance.  Actually, it is 10:30 AM and I am still working on that one. 

    You see, sometimes those you love can inflict the greatest pain.  Whoever said that must have had their husband take the last brownie too!


    **added drama for effect.  But seriously. I was upset!

  • RWOTD {Twice}

    You have all probably heard the old saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

    But what does it mean?  And how does it apply to the life of a follower of Jesus?  How does forgiveness fit into the picture?

    These are some questions that I have been thinking about.

    We’ve all been “burned” by people in our lives.  Someone who we thought could be trusted betrayed us. And we’ve probably been the betrayer a time or two as well.

    Maybe you thought a relationship was built on certain foundations and then you realized that those foundations weren’t there at all…and that the whole thing was built on lies and misconceptions.

    Just today I was talking with an acquaintance about an ex-boyfriend of her’s.  She is trying to decide whether she should get back together with him.  He has been pursueing her.  It is flattering. He says he has changed.  Should she believe him and take him back? 

    “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

    This is what I told her and something that I believe I have learned from personal experience.  Unless a person can tell you WHY or WHAT has changed them (a specific experience, an encounter with God, an eye-opening wake up call), they probably haven’t changed. People can modify their behavior for a period of time to get what they want, but true change has a source that usually can be traced.

    But, then, in the life of a Christian, where do wisdom and cautiousness collide with love and forgiveness and grace?  And what does that look like? 

    Big questions.  Elusive answers.

    I know that one thing I need to keep in the fore-front of my mind is what grace that I have been shown. By God and by others. To remember the times that I have messed up and been in the wrong.  Not with a sense of shame, but with a sense of realizing how vulnerable I am to making mistakes and how much I need HIS guidance.  Always.

    I don’t think that there is a cookie cutter answer.  I am sure various situations are different.  Maybe the history that you have with the person otherwise comes into play.  I also believe that there are times God asks you to do something that is beyond your comfort zone and you need to obey. But I also believe that God gives us a sense of intuition and wisdom when it comes to tricky relationship situations.  And I have learned to trust that as if He was speaking out loud to me.  He gives us those intuitions for a reason and too many times I have second guessed my intuition and later regretted it. 

    But I am curious.  What are your thoughts?  Have you ever given someone a “second chance” and regretted it?  Or have you been happy that you extended that gift of trust again, even when it felt scary?

    Do you walk away from a relationship when you sense a pattern that is not healthy, or do you tend to stick it out in hopes that things change? What are some ground rules for building relationships after you have been “fooled” once?

    And so…this is where the random word of the day {twice} led me in my thinking!  Hopefully you followed along!

  • RWOTD {Some}

    I would think that anyone who has blogged for some length of time goes through those “non-writing” periods of their lives.

    There can be many reasons for that. A new baby. A new job.  A change of schedule. Feeling like there is nothing new to say.  Or, like me lately, the things that are going on seem to be too hard to put into words. And even if you could, they feel too personal to share.  And the urge to write just kind of goes underground for a while.

    I wouldn’t even say that my desire to write has returned, but I thought I would give it a shot today. I do miss writing to a certain extent and I miss the interaction that comes with blogging.

    So…here goes nothing (as the saying goes)

    Since I have last blogged there has been…

    {some} days of Christmas vacation for the kids.  Twelve days in a row off of school, to be exact. They flew by, for the most part!

    Just chillin’ on the coffee table.

    {some} visiting with family.  Lots of that, actually.  Jeremy’s parents came from Ohio over Christmas, bringing with them lots of gifts!  It was really nice to have them here!  And then we spent a day and a half over Christmas with my family.

    (Jeremy’s parents with the kids)

    Playing “Dice” or “10,000″ with the family

    My Dad opening a gift our kids made for him and Mom (some personalized plates)

    My oldest brother Loren and his wife Lourdes…lounging

    My sister Debbie with her daughter Sherra


    Jeremy’s parents again…with Nikki

    {some} good-byes.  My sister Lynette and her husband Paul left the Saturday after Christmas to move back to Grenada. For good.  It was hard to say good-bye.  They will be so missed!  And, my brother Joe left for a 6 week trip to Brazil around the same time.

    Lynette and Paul – And my niece Lori

    My brother Joe


    {some} gifts were opened.  Ok. Lots of gifts.

    I LOVE this picture of our family that Kendall drew.  For one, he made me super skinny.

    The carnage.

    {some} supernatural clarity about some issues in my life.  I continue to be amazed at how God is such a PERSONAL God and how He speaks to me in ways that I will understand and that are meaningful to me. (This blurb is the part that I could write pages and pages about…if I was able to put it all into words.)

    {some} good times with friends. Including New Year’s Eve.  We are so rockin’ now that we are all in our 30′s.  Do you know what us girls did on New Year’s Eve??  We worked on a 1,000 piece puzzle.  It was super-duper hard and I complained a lot. 

    This was not the puzzle we did, but this was one I did last weekend.

    {some} re-evaluation of the way that I do life.  And relationships. Particularly my marriage.  Choosing to not let fear and old patterns control me.

    {some} yummy food.  For sure.  Jeremy’s Mom brought SO much candy it was insane.  I shared some and we still have a bunch of it around.  I made buckeyes and the day before the kids went back to school we finally got around to making sugar cookies.  They turned out awesome. For once.  And my Mom always goes “all out” with the Christmas meal, too!


    Her hair was done in a whole bunch of little braids after we washed it so that “it would be curly for school” the next day.

    {some} getting back into taking my multi-vitamin and exercising. Yes, those two are related. The multi-vitamin gives me the energy I need to be able to exercise.  Ironic how this point comes right after the “yummy food” part!

    {some} dates with kids.  One for me with Kendall and one for Jeremy with Derrick.  Always a good time!

    {some} sickness.  Every.last.one.of.us got the flu over Christmas break.  I had said some words to Jeremy about how he “catches the kids’ sicknesses because he lets himself get too run down, blah, blah, blah” and then guess who got sick next??  And took a long time to get over it completely.  I guess I should learn to not speak quite so quickly.

    {some} being stuck in a rut with suppers lately.  Taco soup.  Chicken and rice.  Fish and rice.  Potato soup. Meatballs and potatoes.  I am trying to make healthy meals and I feel like that always cuts down on my options.

    {some} working on a living room re-do project with my friend/consultant Angie of “Melting Pot Interiors”.  I am excited about it all and especially excited about the finished product! 

    What have you been doing {some} of lately?]

  • If It Makes You Happy…

    I read this quote on Pinterest months ago.

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    I have literally been rolling this around in my head for months.  Trying to decide if I think this is a true statement.  (It also reminds me a Sheryl Crow song, but that might be beside the point.  You know the one? “If it makes you happy, It can’t be that baaa-aaa-aaddd”. There is also a line in that song that has always puzzled me. It goes like this “Put on a poncho, played for misquitoes, and drank till I was thirsty again”.)

    I get the part about doing things that make you feel happy. Alive. Things that are fun for you and bring you calm and joy. 

    But doesn’t it seem really self-centered? What about doing more of what you know will make others happy? Isn’t that where true happiness comes from?

    Could be that I am over-thinking it!   But hey, that makes me happy, so its all good!


    Jeremy and I had an awesome 25 hours together this past weekend.  I think Sunday may have gone down in the history of “The Jeremy & Audrey marriage” as the day when we did the most NOTHING we had ever done in a day.  My sister and her husband had the kids on Saturday from about 2 PM on and we picked them up on Sunday about 4 PM. 

    We slept in Sunday morning. We made and ate some breakfast.  We watched some “Duck Dynasty.” We hung out on the couch doing not much of anything.  We crawled back into bed.  I made some whoopie pies that turned out awesome.  We just hung out in the house ALL day until it was time to go get the kids.  It was so much fun!


    We also went out for dinner on Saturday evening. I choose the restaurant that I wanted to go to based on the fact that I was super hungry for some perfectly steamed vegetables.  Yeah, not the normal criteria for choosing a restaurant.

    Who cares about atmosphere or price or entrees…all I was after was some perfectly steamed broccoli.  And guess what?  I got it!  It made me much happier than broccoli should ever make someone.


    And while we’re talking about food…I found a new favorite meal at our local coffee shop.  The veggie quesadilla.  It comes with the soup of the day and chips and a mint and it was totally ah-mazing!!  I will definitely be back for that.  It was one of those times I was super happy that I branched out from my norm.

    Most times, venturing away from my favorite meal at a particular place ends in disappointment.  But for once, my sense of adventure got me somewhere good.


    Sorry. Still not done with the food theme.

    Yesterday I made cake balls for the first time.  Doesn’t that just have such a nice ring to it?  Cake balls. Say it once more.

    Seriously? I know they are shaped like balls and they have cake in them, but how about calling them “Heavenly Bites” or “Cake Poppers” or even something random like “Melties”.

    I feel like almost ANY other name would be an improvement.


    These verses have been my theme lately. 

    (Philippians 4: 6 – 9)

    Do not be anxious about anything,I)’> And the peace of God,K)’> will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.M)’> will be with you.

    I have been reading them every morning.  God knows I need this right now.


    Jeremy and I talk about this statement sometimes.

    “The right thing is seldom the easy thing.”

    I just hate it when it applies to my life and makes things harder for me!  


    Our middle child, who is in 2nd grade and is struggling with reading, stayed up until 12:37 AM on a school night to finish a book we had gotten at the library that day.

    Apparently, part of the problem has been that I have not gotten him the right book.  Once he is interested, the reading problem seemed to largely disappear.  Now I am on the hunt for more books like the one from the library.

    Side note: I did tell him that staying up past mid-night on a school night was NOT going to be allowed. And then I bought him a clock for his own room so there would be no excuses.

    But dang! I was proud of him for reading that book!


    Counseling is going good. I am learning some things about myself.  Enlightening things. 

    But it is not easy.  I think maybe I need a “live-in” counsellor for a month or two.

    Wait!  Maybe I already have that?  The Holy Spirit.   I keep reminding myself “I CAN do all things THROUGH Christ, who gives me strength!!”

    Between me and Jesus and the counsellor and the Holy Spirit…I feel hopeful that progress will be made in my heart and life.  Aside from me being in there, it just might be the “dream team”!


    Everyone has blind spots in their lives.  E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e.   The more I am around people, the more I am reminded of this.

    Being the analytical person that I am, I naturally pick out contradictions between what people say and what they do. Or between what they say one time and what they say another time.

    I am sure those who around me notice my blind spots too!  I think sometimes God allows us to have blind spots because we are just small humans and we can only work on so many things at a time.  Once we get one problem addressed, then He will show us the next one we need to work on. I like to think of it as mercy.


    This is the week of Christmas programs.  Three of them, to be exact. All on different days.

    Oh, joy!!  Nothing like sitting in a crowded, stuffy room peering from a distance and trying to pick your child out in the crowd. 

    Yeah. Really puts me in the holiday spirit.

    Maybe I shouldn’t have written that. I sound like a hater.  I really am not Scrooge.

    Shelf Elf can testify to that!


    I will leave you with something that I think is funny.

    It fits all of my criteria to score high on the “funny-ness factor scale”.

    1) Slightly inappropriate.

    2) Could offend some people.


    4) It makes me happy!

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  • Thankful Thursday

    Because, more often than not, you need to decide to “act (or write)  your way to better feeling”. 

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    – A heater under my desk at work so I don’t have to be cold.

    – The library. We stopped there yesterday after school and left with about 20 books. For free. They did say we have to bring them back. Dang!

    – No snow.  It made my run/walk so much easier yesterday.  Have you ever tried running on packed snow?  Well, don’t.

    – Truth. In whatever forms it comes to me.

    – Duck Dynasty.  You can’t not laugh.  I wonder if having a big beard somehow sharpens your sense of humor? Don’t worry. I’m not going to try it.

    – Coffee creamer. Without it, I would not be drinking the rest of what is in the mug.

    – Silence.  I had some of it yesterday morning and it left me wanting more.

    – Grey skies.  Because then sunshine seems that much sweeter.

    – Friendships where grace is present. 

    – New ideas.

    – The “Elf on the Shelf” — He has been bringing a lot of fun to our house. Last night he got into my jewelry and was even wearing my silver hoop earrings. I had no idea he was a cross dresser.

    – Warm clothing. And plenty of it!

    – The soft glow that the Christmas tree casts over our living room at night = peacefulness.

    – That I am not a problem to be solved. Even though a lot of my life it feels like I am. And…that I am not the labels that people place upon me or the boxes they try to put me in.

    – Broccoli.  WITH cheese sauce.

    – Cashews.  They are yummy and healthy. And, like my friend told me recently… “No one ever got fat from eating nuts.”

    – A husband who still not only puts up with me, but seems to like me.  Even after 14+ years.

    – Bright colors.  They are cheerful.

    – My hands.  No, seriously. Think about life with no hands.

    – Printable lunchbox notes for my kiddos. I hope it brightened their day.

    – Forgiveness.  Hope.  Peace.  Mercy.  Second chances. Those are some big ones.

    – People who aren’t afraid to let their imperfections show. We’re all broken.

    – We’re all healthy again. After flu and whooping cough. Feels awesome.

    – Smooth writing pens.  Small happiness.

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