September 16, 2011

  • Gypsy Mama’s 5-minute Friday

    Taking on Gypsy Mama’s challange again today:


      1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
      2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
      3. Go a little overboard encouraging the writer who linked up before you.

    OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:




    Here goes…

    It is the first name of the clerk that I met while walking down the aisle at Wal-Mart this morning.

    It is what is so enchanting about small children.  They are pure joy and delight. 

    Everything seems to surprise them.

    What kills joy?  Expectation.

    When we imagine that things are going to turn out a certain way and then they don’t…we are bummed. 

    And we do that a LOT as adults.  We have pre-conceived ideas of what God or somebody else is going to do or how they are going to respond and when things don’t turn out the way we think, we sometimes allow it to steal our joy.

    Something else that kills joy?  Judgment instead of love.

    Joyful people are awesome to be around.  They make you feel positive and encouraged.  They make you want to be a better person.

    Un-joyful people do just the opposite to your morale.

    Joy is not something that is dependent on our circumstances.  It is something that comes from deep within that supercedes whatever we are going through.

    Not to say that a joy-filled person never has a bad day or a crabby moment or becomes impatient.  But they bounce back. They CHOOSE joy even when they don’t feel like choosing joy.

    Because I think it often comes down to that. It is a choice.  Am I going to choose joy in this situation or will I wallow in my funk?

    Joy is contagious.

    Joy is sparkling and bright.

    Joy is awesome.

    Joy is in the upturned face of a child…gazing at the world in wonder.

    Joy is everywhere.

    If we will just look for it.



Comments (8)

  • Nice. I knew a girl named Joy in school. She fit her name.

  • wow… even at 5 minutes straigt you are so thought provoking!  Ok, wait, that was supposed to be a compliment! Did it sound like a slam… because it was NOT supposed to be that. Its just in 5 minutes I think I could probably be overwhelmingly boring!

  • wow. how do you DO this?! i agree with the compliment ^^^.
    0-60 in what? 2 seconds flat. immediately you are stirring my brain.

    my middle name is JoY btw.

  • @down_onthefarm - i didn’t know that! very lovely name you have!

  • if i had to type for 5 minutes flat on one topic..hmm…love this idea, AND the things you wrote.
    very much.

  • I agree with theother comments…you write well for being on a 5 minute schedule!
    I had some catching up to do on your blog! I have missed a lot this summer all around. Busy, busy days.
    Anyway, I like what you wrote about Joy. And you are right, it is so much nicer to be around joy-ful (see my hyphen ;)
    people rather than Un- joyful (hyphen again! =) people.
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  • What kills joy?  Expectation. — So me there!  Love these challenges.  Someday in the far distant future I will join you in attempting them maybe.

  • To my mind every person have to read it. 7 0 here. Thanks for this post, pretty effective piece of writing. go go go. It can’t truly have effect, I consider like this. 8 6 4. For my part every person ought to go through it.

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