February 4, 2013

  • {Weekly Bits and Pieces}

    It is after 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon.

    I haven’t figured out yet what I am making for dinner, other than buying some focaccia bread randomly a few hours ago.

    I have bookwork to do and the kids will be home in less than an hour.

    But sometimes, when you feel like writing, you just have to take the time to do it.  It feeds the soul!

    Inspired by my friend Rachel, I thought I would do a “Miscellaneous Monday” post.

    I am hoping that she subscribes to the philosophy that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Otherwise, she might be annoyed at my blantant copying of her idea. 

    I did think it would be a bit over the top to call title my post “Miscellaneous Monday”, hence the name you see for this blog post!


    This morning I went for coffee with a good friend. I ordered a decaf mocha (it was too bitter for my liking) and sat and chatted with her for about an hour. 

    In the midst of our discussion, she told me how much she likes my blog.  I didn’t even know she read my blog. She went on to say some nice and encouraging things about my writing and I somewhat sheepishly admitted that I do have a dream to one day write a book.  She said “Well, maybe when the kids are older you will be able to take some time off and do that.”  I’ve thought the same thing.  But I also wonder if that is just excuse for me not to get started now.


    Have you ever noticed how certain phrases really become popular in the on-line world and pretty soon everybody (including me) is using them?  Even if they wouldn’t use them in real life?  It is actually kind of annoying and I am bothered by the fact that I participate.

    For instance:

    “hand raised”

    “excited squeals” and it’s more active but quieter cousin “happy dance”

    “love, love, love __________”

    “hugs” and, I think you might get extra points if you use a “z” at the end instead of an “s”

    “if I lived closer I would totally…”  (Really?  Are you SURE you would?)

    “melt me”


    “I totally heart that”

    Please choose not to be offended if your favorite line is included in these!


    Our basement is where I send the kids when they get too rowdy.  It is where they can leave things a mess and don’t have to clean up.  Unless someone is coming over.

    The other week we were having company and I had the kids clean up the basement. Just in case. As our guests were about to leave for the evening Nikki said, loudly, and in front of them — “Why did we have to clean up the basement?? They didn’t even go DOWN there!!!” 

    Thanks for that, Nicole Danielle.  Thankfully, our friends have a good sense of humor and got a big kick out of it.

    Anyway, most of the time our basement looks like a Toy’s R Us and a Bed, Bath and Beyond mated and then had about 100 children and abandoned them to fend for themselves in our basement.

    I could have taken more pictures, but you get the idea.  I think I have sufficiently proved my point!


    This morning at the coffee shop I bought a dollar’s worth of these little bits of awesomeness.

    Dark chocolate covered sea salt caramels.

    Seriously. So good!

    I would totally share them with you if you “lived closer”.

    Like in my own house.

    Maybe.  Or maybe not.

    At least that sounded generous.


    Lately I have been experiencing an irrational fear when I am lying in the tanning bed.

    I have been tanning once a week for years.

    But recently I have been afraid that I am going to be lying there and the bulbs are going to inexplicable burst and cut my body a 1,000 different places.

    I picture a huge slice of glass cutting my throat and as I lie there naked and bleeding to death, no one will know.  Because the timer still says “7 minutes” to go.

    I’m not sure how to get this idea out of my head.

    I am also not sure if this ever happens, but I am afraid to Google it for fear it DOES happen and then I will have some proof that my fear actually could happen.

    And then I might have to quit tanning.

    And I am SO not ready for that.

    There. You can feel better about yourself now.  I really AM the crazy one.


    Nikki’s latest drawing for me, which was presented to me yesterday.  It is “her blowing bubbles in the summertime.”  I love it.  She still draws people like that and I really don’t want to tell her to stop. I know she’ll figure it out soon enough.


    I don’t know if anyone remembers me talking about how my Mom has written my grandmother a letter every.single.week of the year for 23 years now! (Ever since we moved to WI from PA)

    And how we all thought that my Grandma had throws some of the letter away. Because she said she had.

    I so mourned the loss of those letters because I was planning get them back from my Grandma and read through them. They are such a snapshot of our lives!! I’m not even usually that sentimental, but about this, I was.

    Anyway, last summer my Mom was cleaning my Grandma’s garage and she found a whole sack of the letters. Apparently, my Grandma was going to burn them and never quite got around to getting them out to the burn pile.

    I was estactic.  In January, Mom and Dad were in Pennsylvania and Mom brought back this whole box of letters.  There must be over a thousand of them.  I started reading some yesterday and brought another stack home with me to read when I get a chance!

    So fun!   

    Among other things, I learned that milk was $2.09 (at the cheapest) in the winter of 1989.  Fascinating, not?


    On Saturday the kids and I worked on their Valentine’s.  I know I am early, but I was freaking out about when we would get them done.  Between Kendall’s birthday party and Jeremy and I going away for the weekend, I knew Valentine’s was totally going to sneak up on me.

    And since I really enjoy doing that kind of thing with them, we decided to get it done early.

    This is for Derrick’s classmates.



    We got most of them done and now I can breathe easier about that. Because buying storebought ones the day before wasn’t going to work for me.  For some things, I would totally do that.

    But I think I get into making Valentine’s more than the kids do.

    (All ideas courtesy of Pinterest.  Like, duh.)


    Saturday evening Jeremy and the kids were all sitting around watching “America’s Funniest Home Videos” while I was spending some time alone in the other room. (Read:  long day at home and Mom said to Dad “I need some time by myself!”

    It was so cool to hear them laughing together.

    Finally, I came out and took a picture. 

    This picture makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


    That was also the same night that I made the family some peach milkshakes. 

    And when one got spilled on the table, this is what happened next.

    I am not sure who raised these boys to be this unmannerly, but I am NOT taking responsibility for this behavior!


    This is the door to Nikki’s room. 


    A list of who may come in.

    A picture of her aunt and uncle.

    A Sponge Bob sticker.

    A February calendar.

    And a ground-hog puppet.

    Did I mention that the door to her room is right off of our dining room?

    So yes, she adds a touch of “class” to my dining room decor.


    Since this seems to be the post of inspiration by others, I will also mention my friend Amber. 

    She writes a wonderful blog and back in November she wrote a post about how she let the kids skip school one day.  You can read it here.  Very interesting.

    She inspired me to do something with my children that I have never done before.  I decided that I would, through out the rest of the school year, pick one day where I would let each of them (individually) play hooky from school and they would just have a fun day with Mom.

    Totally centered about them.

    I decided Derrick would be first because he is most likely to keep a secret so that I am able to surprise the other children in the same way later in the year.

    I communicate with his teacher beforehand, and then at 9 o’clock on Friday I showed up at his school and had him called up to the front office.

    Just the look on his face was totally worth it!!

    Once we got in the van, I explained that, yes, he was skipping school for the rest of the day and he and I were just going to hang out!

    He was so happy.  Except that he did inform me that they had gym that day, which is his all time fav!

    But, he hastened to add “This is more fun!”

    This is apparently the face that Derrick now makes when he knows I am taking a picture.

    Let me just tell you. He looks much more handsome when he is NOT making this particular face.

    But I guess this will have to do until he figures that out.

    We went bowling.  He almost beat me.  But not quite. Just for the record, I am not one of those Mom’s who feels sorry for her kid and lets them win.  They aren’t the only ones who want to win!!

    Plus, it teaches them something valuable.

    Like how to keep Mama happy. (Just kidding about that part! Ha, ha!)

    Lunch was at Applebees.

    This is Derrick famous line whenever I ask where he wants to go to eat

    “Just give me any restaurant that serves a cheeseburger and I will be fine!”

    So a bacon cheddar cheeseburger it was.


    And I will leave you with this parting shot.

    Kendall can do things with his body that should be earning him some kind of awards. Somewhere.

    He was seriously just laying on the floor like this.

    Relaxing.  (He did add the “thumbs up” when he knew I was taking a picture.)

    If I tried this, I would probably be crying. 

    He can also use his foot as a pretend telephone and scratch his head with his foot. 

    That boy is “bendy!” 

    Be impressed. Be very impressed!


    Happy Monday to you! 

    Monday is always my worst day of the week.  Now that it is almost over, the rest is all downhill!



Comments (14)

  • Interesting and fun read! Clever line there about the stores mating. The Valentines are cute! Impressive that they are all ready to go already! I would be so happy about having something like that done ahead of time.

    That’s neat that your Mom found those letters and brought them back.

    Monday happens to be one of my favorite days of the week, and today was no exception.   Enjoy the rest of your week!  Love, Sheila

  • the “i would totally come over i lived closer” type of line- i think i’ve said that before, and in my heart i mean it, but when i say it or other people say it, i do find myself thinking “really? i would? you would? because why am i not doing this for my local friends and why are they not doing it for me?” it’s a case of the spirit being willing and the flesh being weak, i think.

    and i am more outgoing online than in real life, although i don’t think i’m being dishonest or anything. i hope not! i just feel more comfortable writing than speaking and how i really am feeling is more likely to come out online. i have way too many inhibitions. why can’t i just let go and enjoy myself and stop filtering what i say so closely?!
    if kendall is so flexible, you should put him in gymnastics. i was watching some of the boys the other week, and one of them was doing some amazing twists and turns in the air. i just can’t imagine being able to do that. you’d have to feel like you were almost flying!

  • Love it! and, completely flattered! even if you’d have labeled it miscellaneous monday. =)
    that toys-r-us and bed bath and beyond thing is killing me! i love that!
    keeping your kiddo’s home for a day centered around them? yes, please. i am totally in favor of that idea.
    those salted caramel balls?! if i lived closer, i would totally…..=) (ha. actually, i completely see the point of that rant. i could chime in with a few of my own. but, i won’t.)
    and, lastly. Those Letters!! omyword! that is SO PRECIOUS! what a treasure! i am so sentimental about stuff like that. especially as the older ones go onto their home in Glory, i just love to look back on what they passed onto us here before they left.
    happy week to you my friend!

  • hand raised.  i totally hear you on those phrases. even the ones that i use to try to express myself. there really isn’t anything new under the sun…and whatever seems to be new at the moment can get old real fast. lately i’ve felt at a loss with trying to write… how to say what i’m thinking? because it’s coming out so lame and boxed. ugh. and then there’s the topic of “open for interpretation.” ya know? :)

    you know i’d swing by for those caramels if i lived closer. truly i would.
    i loveLOVE :) truly ha. what you pulled off with derrick. i forgot about amber doing that! and am sticking that in my brain. hopefully it will be retrievable.

    your basement make my heart pound (there’s another wearysome cliche’) because i think that i might pick a basement over a master bath. maybe. a first world problem, i know. :) and what nikki blurted was so perfect.

    happy tuesday morning!

  •  Those encouragements about our blogs are SO huge, aren’t they? like i know i enjoy the writing and photography myself, but if someone tells me they’re blessed, I’m like, WOW, really? and it blesses me for days. so neat when people take the time to tell you!!

    All that current fashionable lingo…. Yeah, I hear you. There’s a few of them I do use,  there’s quite a lot that I don’t because I’ve heard/read them SO overused. What gets me more than those though is the texting stuffs. It’s just me, i know, but I like to see the whole word. None of this, “ths wk is g8! tyvm” stuff. Seriously, it grrrrs me. :) But it is funny to think back even a few years and see what has come and gone with phrases and things that were sooooo cool. 

    Those letters from your mom to your grandmother!! That is AMAZING. I have heard other amazing handwritten stories – this tops it all, I do believe. Wow. What a treasure to have them!!

    I love your special date/no school time with Derrick. He is so handsome!! Doing things one on one like that take special effort with other kids in the family, and I so admire that. I need/want to do more of that myself.

    Happy week to you, now that the worst day is over! :)

  • very interesting! thats cool.about the letters to your grandma….cool that they never got burned! curious why popular phrases online annoy you? its just part of the online world…that i like. :) very nice valentines! you are a sweet mom…very great idea to spend a day with each child!

  • well, i used very like alot up there. :(  

  • @jennieanne84 - It probably annoys me just because it become so cliche. And loses its meaning. Largely.  And just how people (including me!) can just so easily catch on to the latest fad.  I don’t know.  Not a huge deal. Just something I think about.

  • I really did laugh out loud several times while reading this and I can’t even remember all the parts that were so funny.

    I think those letters would be FANTASTIC to have. I am so glad you guys found some and saved them from the burn pile!

    I LOVE your homemade valentines. In my mind I’d like to do that but there’s never time. Plus, with the already made school ones even writing names on them for four kids in school (only 3 this year, thank goodness,Alex is too old now) takes 47 million years and they get bored and I end up doing them all. It loses the funness.

  • You are something hilarious and this was fun to read.

    I like best Nikki’s picture (melt me ) and the letters.  I just love love love kids’ artwork.  Truly.

    At least your boys are using straws.  It could be tongues, you know.

  • I can relate to some of what’s already been said here! And because I love your writing, I look forward to the next installment! (And please include more of Nikki’s artwork! She’s so creative!) Would those chocolate salted caramels happen to be at Starbucks? If I had one of those in my mouth, I’d think I was in candy store heaven.

  • CRACKED up at your tanning bed fear because i always have the EXACT SAME ONE!! and also the one that somehow the glass is going to burst and i’m going to fall through on the bulbs and not be able to get up and lay there and burn to death!!! clearly the lesson for us both here is probably to just accept our natural skin color. haha. ;) ) though, actually i’m not tanning right now. but want to be. if for no other reason than just to get WARM since i’m constantly freezing up here. :/

    totally agree on the latest “hip lingo.” it annoys me, but yep.. i do it too!! i was going to leave a whole comment just using them all, but now it’s late, i’m trying to watch the bachelor while writing this and therefore, distracted! :) ))

    so cool about your date w/ derrick! those will be some of your kids favorite memories of all time, i’m sure. and funny that you said i inspired you to do that, because now i feel totally inspired by YOU to do that w/ my kids individually that way! which isn’t that how inspiration is supposed to work? just going round and round! :)

    fun fun post. thanks for the laughs! xo

  • “Anyway, most of the time our basement looks like a Toy’s R Us and a Bed,
    Bath and Beyond mated and then had about 100 children and abandoned
    them to fend for themselves in our basement.”  – totally laughed out loud on this one and also thought — that line right there is why you should write a book.

    Love your skip school date – how fun! 

    Letters to your grandma from your mom – PRICELESS.  I am so glad they were not burned. 

    I am loving all these Misc. Monday posts and I love Friday posts. 

  • You’ve had your own little window opened up on my computer for two days now, waiting for a comment. Finally, here I am. 

    I want one of those chocolates.

    How special to have those letters from your Grandma..written by your mom. That was a great gift she gave to you without even knowing it. I would love to have something like that to look back on.

    My kids aren’t in school, but sometimes we’ll just take a day off for no reason, it’s a lot of fun.

    …and now, you’re even further away from Monday…Happy Wednesday to you. =)

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