April 6, 2011

  • N-RWOTD {Humility}

    My story lately kind of went like this:

    I prayed and fasted that God would give me a VERY real understanding of His love so that I could pass that love on to others around me.

    Instead of showering me with some Holy dew-drops and an immense understanding of God’s great love (which I would have much preferred, by the way), He showed me that I can only be filled with His love when I am emptied of myself.


    Ok, now we’re talking active participation on my part.

    I was sort of hoping for divine intervention and then I could just sit back and thank Him for His outlandish blessings in my life.

    That would have been easier. And brought so much glory to Him, you would think, as I shared my story with those around me. How God had just opened the windows of heaven and poured His love down over me like a river. Ah…I could totally picture telling me friends all about it.

    As I was reading a book on Humility by Andrew Murray he got into some practical application.

    How do we learn humility? Well, it is by using all of the everyday situations in our lives to teach us humility.

    I sat and thought about this for a while.

    What would be an example of a situation in my life where I could learn humility?

    Maybe if someone spoke badly about me and I didn’t get all defensive. That would be showing humility.

    How about if I did the household chores and served my family graciously and kindly? That would show humility.

    What about a situation where I had something to say in a conversation, but I listened instead, deferring to someone else? That could be showing a growth in humility.

    OK, God. I need your help, but I am willing to start down this road of learning what it means to be humble.

    Emptied of myself and MY agendas and MY thoughts and MY self-focus. Dependent on you to be my EVERYTHING.

    But, like a lot of things in life…the lessons come packaged differently than I had anticipated.

    As I was running possible “humility teaching” scenarios through my head, I wasn’t thinking this.

    A Saturday at home.
    My own list of chores and plans for the day.
    Going to Jeremy’s shop and offering to help load a firewood crate for him if he would get it out there for me before I had to work on other stuff in the house.

    And having him say, in a sharp tone of voice “Well, I was waiting for you. I’ll get it out there for you right now if you are going to start on it now.”

    Not…”Oh, honey. Thank you SO much for offering. That is so kind of you, my dear. I know this is not your responsibility. Since you offered so nicely, I’ll be happy to come out and help you.”


    Just plopped that ole’ crate out there in the mud and snow next to the that big old firewood pile and went back to his project in the shop.

    So there I was.


    Feeling anything but an attitude of servanthood and humility.

    He parked the crate at a spot where the ice had frozen down the tarp, and even though I tried to chop away at it with the shovel, fueled by irritation and something close to anger, I couldn’t get that stupid ice to budge.

    Derrick and I were left to try and throw wood from a narrow strip of firewood that was sticking out of the tarp and the more wood we threw, the further we got away from the crate.

    My back was hurting after about 10 minutes.

    I was so.not.cheerful.

    Inside I was thinking things like “Who does he think he is? Plopping this crate out here for me and expecting me to just fill it. I hate this stupid firewood business anyway. This is HIS dream. Not mine. I wish we’d just get rid of the whole business.”

    “I don’t want to spend my Saturday’s filling crates. I don’t even like manual labor. I want to sit and read. Or just relax. Or do something fun as a family.”

    “He never even asked ME if I had anything I needed help with in the house. We are expecting guests for supper. What if I needed HIS help? Has he offered? Oh, no. What about poor little old me?”

    And then I heard His Spirit speak to me.

    I have to admit, I kind of wanted to just punch His Spirit in the face.

    Because He said to me, in that still small voice…

    “My dear child…wouldn’t this be a chance for you to practice some of that humility? This is what I am trying to teach you. Service for others when there is nothing in return. Doing a job that feels like it is ‘beneath’ you. Being cheerful and giving even when the other person isn’t seeming to be grateful.”

    “But God”, I argued. “I didn’t think you were talking about throwing firewood. I thought learning humility would at least be a little more glamorous than this. I wanted to at least be recognized for the fact that I showed humility in a situation. This…this…there’s NOTHING in this for ME!”

    “Exactly”, He whispered into my heart.

    “But…but….THIS isn’t what I had pictured. My back hurts. My husband isn’t even out here helping me. There are 3!! crates to fill. Are you really asking me to do this job cheerfully and without resentment? Seriously? Because I totally feel like I’ve got some right to be feeling a little miffed just about now.”

    And I just kept hearing His gentle, reminding voice. “Do you want to learn humility or don’t you? Do you want to be emptied of yourself so you can be filled with Me? Even if it doesn’t look like what you had pictured? Are you willing to trust Me with this?”

    And then I’m pretty sure He said this “Then just throw the dang firewood, girl. And you better have a smile on your face.”

    I heard Him. I heard Him loud and clear.

    Did I cheer right up?

    Not really.

    I sorta cheered up.

    And when Jeremy came out after a while, I was at least not fuming anymore.

    But I did ask Jeremy to move the crate to a better place for throwing and I did think to myself that I was going to ask Jeremy to help with the other 2 crates, at least.

    Again, my mistakes. My humanity. My lack of dependence and trust in God.

    Instead of saying a quick prayer that God would nudge Jeremy to help with the job, I just didn’t say anything.

    But so often God shows us extraordinary grace in ordinary moments when we are too feeble and human to even remember to ask for it.

    Without me saying anything, Jeremy got in there and started to throw firewood with Derrick and I.

    And I felt grateful. And ashamed of myself.

    We stopped for lunch and afterwards the boys helped load 1 crate and I went out and helped to load the last one.

    And it was done.

    Then God provided another little answer to an un-prayed request when our guests called and requested that we go out to eat at a local pizza place. So, instead of me spending a good part of my afternoon making food for our evening meal, I still got that relaxation time that I had been craving.

    I want to learn humility. Yes, I do.

    But I find such deep ugliness and selfishness in my heart.

    Even in the learning, I want to have some control. I want the learning to come packaged the way I had pictured.

    I guess sometimes the only way God is going to get through to someone like me is to hit me over the head with a crate full of firewood.

Comments (16)

  • It’s a moment by moment process and I have a longgggggg way to go.

  • that firewood incident would have made me fume, maybe even for days, because i’m so much younger and immature than you are. lol. that book by andrew murray is a good one but i don’t even want to look inside of it right now. 

  • i love how i always “think” I’m going to learn something or do something or practice something my way….and then He ALWAYS has a different plan…

  • I don’t even like manuel labor!!!!!  Somedays I think ahead and wish that I could look forward to the future and say by age 53 and 7 months I will have learned everythin there is I need to learn, after that I will be able to relax and wring out the sponge. Unfortunatly … it’s not so much that way! But maybe by then I will have learned to be absorbent at the right times!

  • I almost didn’t read this to the end because how long it looked, but I’m so glad I did.  This is how I act so often, too.  I want my learning/growing to be on MY terms, not God’s.  I know I’m critical and overly critical of my husband and I’ll get all ready to be kind and non-critical and offer help and be the help-meet I want to be and then one “wrong” comment or action from him and I’m off in a huff of self-righteousness and crankiness.  Thanks for posting this.

  • when there’s nothing in it for me…like that thought of it then being true humility….because there’s nothing at all humble or close to a spirit of humility when *i* am in the way.

  • somehow the lessons are rarely presented like we wish they would be. but the way He gives them makes them really stick! 

  • man girl, you must have been reading my mind/looking over my shoulder b/c this is exactly what’s happened to me the past couple of days.  Instead of Jeremy, the crates, and people coming over; it was my mom, gardening/cleaning, and me trying to get some photography work done.  How many times even today have I had to bite my lip and not let my thoughts go to words.  I haven’t done well on the cheerful part…mostly just just been quiet and then my mom thinks I’m in a bad mood when in fact I’m just trying not to say those things I shouldn’t.  And yet I prayed for humility….I just didn’t expect it like this.

  • I like the way you give tangible real examples about what happened instead of just explaining what you learn w/ out any example. Good stuff.

  • Why are all the important lessons never like we think they’re gonna be?? Just once can’t it be exactly what I thought?

    Loved this post.

  • and why does it seem when i’m learning something God brings it up EVERYWHERE i turn… suddenly everything i read or hear is about humility!! :) He KNOWS what we need. when, where and how!  and sometimes i think i’ll never really get it. learn it. only RE-learn again and again.

    you so made me laugh about the not liking manual labor – i can just see sexy, sassy little blonde headed audrey fuming while she throws those pieces of firewood into the crates!! and we wonder where our kids get it, right. :)

    another awesome real life post~!

  • this is one of those times I wish it would be facebook an I could hit the LIKE button!!:)..I had a mental picture of you throwing the wood..fuming away. I have found myself in those situations and they always seem to end with another lesson of humility!

  • yeah that active participation part trips me up too. a little rubber meetin the road…or…wood chunks filling a crate. it’s not usually what i had in mind. ok. never. just a simple object lesson or a diagram on the overhead for me God. that should do it. but noooooooooo…

    the don’t even like manual labor part? cracked me up. and you know what else?  i hear Him speaking. to you!!!
    i hear you listening. i hear you hearing. i hear you doing. learning. love that. gotta love that. and next time? wear a helmet. just in case He starts throwing crates.

  • I love Cindy’s suggestion…”wear a helmet…”  FUNnyyyy! I ADORE this post! One of these days,as you mellow, you’ll notice that these throwing firewood and needing help days are not as big a hairy deal as they seemed the other day. And your hubby will finally see that he needs to just do certain things for you. I could’ve written this post (not as clever and funny, though) ten years ago. Now, life is so different. Because we “get” it; the getting ourselves and our agendas out of the way and letting God talk to us and lead us and nudge us. I don’t always hear his voice or feel his nudge, but I am muh more aware than when I was younger.

  • Oh, this was good!  Really, really good!
    Not only did you make me laugh….this was very thought provoking.  Yes, when we ask God for help in an area,
    it usually doesn’t go the way we planned!  I like all your little analogies, and conversations, and your honesty!
    You’re so great, I love reading your posts! =)

  • I loved this post…. cuz God has been  seriously working on me in this area. 

    some days i’m not sure i’ll ever get it… today being one of those. But it’s comforting to know that others are in the struggle too. 

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